Vanda Henriques • February 25, 2025
Yesterday our HIPPY Manager Charmaine Greenidge and I had the pleasure of meeting Tanya Stephenson, the dynamic CEO of the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre (HBNC). Nestled on the picturesque east coast of Australia, just north of Brisbane, HBNC is much like our own WWCC, offering a haven of support and services for isolated or vulnerable individuals striving for a fulfilling life.
Kicking off the work week with Tanya was truly invigorating! Currently on a sabbatical, Tanya is traveling far and wide to explore social initiatives worldwide that focus on the creation of connected, thriving communities – a theme very much at the heart of all WWCC does.
After our meeting, Charmaine and I couldn't help but feel inspired by our time with Tanya and hearing about the incredible programs HBNC have developed. It's moments like these that highlight why WWCC has always valued collaboration with diverse people, agencies, and corporate partners. We have so much to learn from one another, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to Tanya for her time and inspiration!
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