We are happy to be able to offer our services in person, and in hybrid formats.
Contact our offices for more information on our programs and how to access them.
Service Area | |
Learn English - Contact LINC Program | admin@wwcclinc.ca |
Food Security and Oriole Community Gardens | foodsecurity@workingwomencc.org |
HIPPY program for Newcomer Families | HIPPY@workingwomencc.org |
HIPPY for Young Mothers Program | HIPPY.YM@workingwomencc.org |
Services for Newcomers to Canada | settlement@workingwomencc.org |
On Your Mark Tutoring and Mentoring | onyourmark@workingwomencc.org |
Caregiver Support Program | caregiversupport@workingwomencc.org |
Administrative Area | |
Business and General Enquiries | admin@workingwomencc.org |
Fundraising and Receipts | donor_services@workingwomencc.org |
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