Programs 2

On Your Mark Program

On Your Mark Program

On Your Mark, our signature mentoring/tutoring program, provides one-to-one and small group tutoring for students struggling with literacy and numeracy standards for their grade level and attending special education support services. This program also addresses drop-out prevention and encourages the pursuit of post-secondary education.

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A business-as-usual approach may not ensure a complete, mixed-income community that creates opportunities and remains affordable for existing residents and stakeholders. Given the scope of potential change and the impact on adjacent Neighbourhood Improvement Areas, a different approach is required.

Forums and meetings held between Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 with resident leaders, community agencies and local stakeholders in and around the Golden Mile, identified the importance of creating space in the neighbourhood to discuss issues related to revitalization, development, displacement and the impacts on service delivery and the local existing community.

Based on feedback from the forums hosted, research, and conversations with stakeholders such as funders and other neighbourhoods undergoing change, the Golden Mile Impact Steering Committee identified a Community Benefits Framework as a tool to define and present community needs to developers and other decision makers. Working Women Community Centre has since secured funding to provide support to the Golden Mile Impact Steering Committee to develop a comprehensive local response that includes not only the community benefits framework but also convening of neighbourhood stakeholders and targeted supports to local resident leadership.


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